Then , and for the sake of separating the Development Environment form the server, we had to move the Eclipse to another machine on the same domain, to make our project able to communicate with the CM we had to do the following steps
- Install the db2 client so we can catalog both the RMDB and the LMSDB.
- Copy the cmgmt folder which contains the connectors form the original installation machine to the development machine in the same installation path C:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\cmgmt
- For the project the following Java Archive (JAR) files are required to be put in the build path
- cmb81.jar
- cmbsdk81.jar
- cmbview81.jar
- log4j-1.2.8.jar
- db2jcc.jar
- db2jcc_license_cu.jar
- db2jcc_license_cisuj.jar
- finally, add the cmgmt folder to your class path and you are set to go
- I have to install the DB2 client and catalog the cm database
- The cmgmt folder is on a different place than the project is
The second problem was really a challenge, after two hours of working here is how you can solve it:
- Move the cmgmt folder form C:\Program Files\IBM\db2cmv8\cmgmt to the [PROJECTROOT]\cmgmt
- Edit the file so that the CMCFGDIR=cmgmt\\connectors
- Edit the file so that the IBMCMWorkingDirectory=
- Change the ClassPath so it would point to the new folder location
I’ve Enclosed a sample that you can download from this LINK